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Listening Point

Listen Between the Lakes

Listen Between the Lakes

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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At the Tennessee and Kentucky border is Land Between the Lakes, a National Recreation Area mostly known for its water sports and off-roading opportunities. However, hike into the forests deep enough and you find endless opportunities to escape the noise and instead opt for the serenity of crystal clear streams, forest cathedrals, and tapestries of bird song.

This recording features a crescendo of bird song that really is only possible in the most diverse forests of the south in the United States. There is so much biodiversity that it's almost overwhelming. A pair of Barred Owls ease you into the recording, but quickly a whole host of other songbirds join in. So many that it can be hard to tease them apart at certain points.

Habitat: Oak and hickory forest

Species present: Barred Owl, Yellow-breasted Chat, White-eyed Vireo, Kentucky Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Common Yellowthroat, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Northern Parula, Indigo Bunting, American Crow, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Wild Turkey, Northern Waterthrush, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Red-shouldered Hawk, Tennessee Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, American Goldfinch, Summer Tanager

Recording Length: 00:50:08

File size: mp3: 117.5 mb & Flac: 542.6 mb

Sampling Rate (kHz): 48

Bit Depth: mp3: 320 kbps & Flac: 1065 kbps

Recording Setup: Sennheiser MixPre 6 digital audio recorder and MKH20 omnidirectional microphones

Channels: Stereo

Recording type: Binaural


License Agreement

Purchasing a license to this recording grants a single-user worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use this recording on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

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